NVRF 2025 - 4th-7th September ~ Grimsthorpe Castle, Lincs

The UK's boutique Classic Rock, Prog and Blues Festival

Accessibility Policy
Day parking
Disabled (Blue Badge) parking will be located close to the entrance of the Music Arena. If you are a blue badge holder please ensure you make the stewards aware and they will direct you to the appropriate parking area (signposted accordingly). You do not need to prearrange this..
Camping and electricity
The Music Arena may be accessed along a hard surfaced path or over grass. The disabled camping area is close to the Music Arena entrance and will be reserved for people who have mobility disabilities. If you would like to camp in this area, please let us know when you arrive. This facility will not be limited to blue badge holders or wheelchair users, and we will not require medical evidence.
Electric supplies
Electric hook-ups for campers will be available as an option when you buy your camping ticket. If you require a hook-up in the disabled camping area, please let us know and purchase in advance.
If you need an electric supply e.g. to recharge a mobility aid, or for an overnight medical device, please contact us in advance and tell us what you need. We will make reasonable endeavours to help with this.
The Music Arena is on a flat grassy meadow. The stages are housed within marquees on grass. The outdoor food and vendor area and the camping area are also on grass. Grassed areas will be mown prior to the event. The ground may be uneven in places and we recommend suitable footwear.
Paths outside the festival arena around the main areas of the castle grounds are hard surfaced (variously tarmac, bound gravel, crushed limestone and compacted stone).
We will provide accessible toilets for people with disabilities. We ask that only those with disabilities use the accessible toilets.
If you have an emergency or any difficulty or need assistance at any time, talk to a steward or member of the security team who will be able to contact someone to help. Should no one be immediately on hand, there will be a mobile number published here during the festival.
We will try and provide whatever facilities and assistance you need to enjoy the festival. Please contact us in advance and tell us what you need, or ask a member of staff at any time.
Viewing the bands
We will designate an area where people with pre-advised disabilities can sit to watch performances.
Guide dogs and Assistance dogs
NVRF will be dog-friendly but all dogs must be on a lead and under control and well behaved at all times. Assistance dogs will be allowed inside the marquees that house our stages if they are kept at least 10m from the speaker stacks. You must clean up after them. Any instructions from our stewards regarding dogs should be followed without argument in the first instance. If you disagree then please do as they say first and then ask them to refer it to our managers.
'Carers go free' policy
Carers can be admitted free with any disabled person but you should contact us in advance and explain your need to us. However, we will follow all policies of Grimsthorpe Castle. Whilst carers will be allowed entry to our festival with you free of charge, they must at all times be in a caring role that is providing support and assistance. It is not acceptable for carers to be participating independently and if this is the case, that person will not be allowed entry as a carer and will be expected to pay in full.