NVRF 2025 - 4th-7th September ~ Grimsthorpe Castle, Lincs

The UK's boutique Classic Rock, Prog and Blues Festival
Running a stall at NVRF
NVRF will operate at Grimsthorpe Castle near Bourne, south Lincolnshire. There will be plenty of space for food traders and other stalls.
We will only allow one food trader per category listed in the booking form. This is to ensure variety to our festival-goers and protect your potential income. In total we expect there to be five or six food traders plus one ice-cream trader and one tea/coffee vendor. We will operate our own bar; you will not be permitted to sell any alcoholic drinks at the event. Stalls selling goods related to music are particularly welcome, as are clothing.
Every application will be considered with due regard to the product or service on offer and we will not accept any application that we consider to be unsafe, inappropriate, or might adversely affect our reputation. We also reserve the right to stop activities that are not in accordance with your prior notification to us.
All stalls will be outside of our music marquees and you may either use a vehicle/trailer or provide your own small marquee or tent which must be fit for purpose and securely fastened to the ground to both our satisfaction and that of any local authority inspection. Any decision by either ourselves or the local authority that your stall is potentially unsafe is final.
About NVRF
We operate as NVRF Ltd, 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ.
NVRF Ltd is registered in England and Wales number 14603358.
Pitches and prices
All prices are exclusive of any VAT applicable at the time of payment.
All pitches are available for all 4 days of the festival. Contact us if you require any other duration.
We will consider each application promptly and if successful we will inform you how to make payment. A 50% non-refundable deposit is required to secure your stall and we will only accept one food trader of each type of food (see booking form). We do not require the full amount in advance.
We will offer the first three food stalls and first five non-food stalls at a special discounted "Earlybird" price, after which they will increase.
Food stalls (6m x 6m) . . . . £800 (Earlybird price)
Ice-cream van (one only) . . £500
Tea/coffee (only) stall . . . . £500
Other stalls (6m x 6m) . . . £350 (Earlybird price)
Other stalls (3m x 6m) . . . £200 (Earlybird price)
6A socket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £150
16A socket . . . . . . . . . . . . . £200
32A socket . . . . . . . . . . . . . £300
NVRF will have a maximum of 1,000 paying attendees plus artists and staff. We cannot make any guarantees about how many of those present will use your services or buy your goods. It is for you to decide whether or not you can make an adequate return on your investment and your booking should be made on that basis.
On-site operation, rules and safety
Access is from Wednesday evening (3rd September) but you should be in position by 10am on Thursday and leave by midday on Monday after the festival.
Power supplies must be booked in advance and your load must not exceed the booked capacity.
You may only use LED lighting. Halogen, incandescent etc are not permitted.
You must supply a suitable 25m hook-up cable and have an electrical system with safety protection including miniature circuit breakers (MCBs) and a residual-current device/circuit breaker (RCD or RCCB). 2.5mm² cores are required to draw 16A. See our requirements for camping hook-ups for more details.
Any gas systems used must meet the relevant safety standards and have been recently inspected.
Vans/caravans must stay behind your stalls and may not be moved whilst the arena is in use.
You must dispose of all waste connected with your business. You may not use the rubbish collection points made available to the public.
You may not have any amplified music.
You may not sell or make available any alcohol, cigarettes or tobacco.
You may not sell or make available any food or drink other than that which has been approved.
You may not offer tattoos, skin piercings, face painting or any other similar service. Our decision on such services is final so please ensure you fully disclose in advance what you intend to offer.
You may not offer or use disposable barbecues, wax torches or sky lanterns.
You may not offer or bring onto the site anything on our list of prohibited items including weapons, pyrotechnics, offensive items, drug paraphernalia, lasers, drones.
All outdoor stalls must have a fire extinguisher (min. 2kg CO2) and a light duty fire blanket. Our fire marshal can test and supply these at a reasonable cost.
You must comply with local regulations including safety, environmental health, fire and trading standards.
You are solely responsible for your stall and vehicles, although we will have security staff on site.
All of the following documents are mandatory for all stall holders and should be sent to us immediately if we give you a provisional approval. At latest (and only by prior agreement) they must be with us one week before the festival commences and if not provided you will NOT be allowed to trade and NO refunds will be issued.
Current public liability certificate
Employers liability insurance certificates
PAT electrical safety test certificate/labels
Your own Hazard/Risk assessment document
Additionally, food traders must provide the following immediately if we give you a provisional approval:
Local Authority registration
Food hygiene certificates for each employee on site
Gas safety test/inspection certificates (if applicable)
Data security and GDPR
In line with Government requirements we have to inform you of our GDPR policy. Essentially, you need to consent to us storing the personal information you provide us with, so that we can use it in connection with the operation of the festival. Of course legally there's loads more to it and you can wade through it using this link, but in a nutshell that's what it says! You can find our privacy policy here:- NVRF Privacy Notice
How to apply
Complete the form below - you must accept the Terms & Conditions at the end - then click Submit. We will consider your application and get back to you. If you are successful you need to make a non-refundable deposit payment of 50% within 14 days to secure your stall - remember that for food traders we will only allow one of each food type. The balance must be paid at least six weeks before the start of the festival, i.e. July 24th 2025. We will send instructions how to do this.